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Diaries partners "school mates" - Janez - SLOVENIA, Antonio - PORTUGAL, Francesco - ITALY, Basia - POLAND, Jana - CROATI, Zeynep_Turkey

 Each partner made a doll, as large as 30 cm. The doll represented a "student". We created 3 girls and 3 boys: Slovenia, Italy and Portugal made boys, Turkey, Croatia and Poland made girls. Each country named its student with a typical national name, clothing were in the national spirit, studentdools traveled from one partner to the other. Each "student" wrote a diary, what he/she did when he/she was visiting his partner peers. Each school that hosts a particular student gave him, her a present at the end of the each trip ... something typical from the host country. The first trip began in Turkey, where we hand over the students to each other. Hand over took place as Slovenia passes to Turkey, Turkey -Croatia, Croatia - Italy, Italy - Poland, Poland – Portugal, Portugal - Slovenia. 


School mate travell:


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