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Project song written by Recep Bağcı, a Turkish LTTA participant in Zagreb

During the LTTA in partner school Oton Iveković in Zagreb, was created a song dedicated to the partner meeting.  At a farewell dinner, we discovered that we have a very talented poet from Turkey who has published a collection of poems.

Thank you dear Recep Bağcı for this wonderful gift.


Bazen  sessizlik yakışır,
Bazen şamata, eğlence,
Yağmurlar Zagreb’imize damla damla inince,
Bazen umutla gülümser,
Bazen asar yüzünü Zagreb.
Sensizlik bu kentte bekleyince.
Bazen sokaklarında saklıdır.
Bazen tünellerine de
Aşka sahip çıkar Zagreb
Bazen sana ait çığlıklar yankılanır
Bazen benim isyanlarım
Sağır olur duymaz Zagreb
Bazen hatırlanır yıllar sonra
Bazen bir daha dönülmez asla
Ama kin tutmaz Zagreb unutanlara
Bazen ben olur Zagreb;
Soğuk ama samimi.
Bazen sen olur Zagreb;
Çılgın ve sevimli.
Yolunun her düştüğünde
Senden bir selam bekler Zagreb
Ağlama sakın, gülümse 😄
Zagreb de yaşadıkların rüyalarına gelince.



Sometimes silence fits,
 Sometimes joy, sometimes fun
 When the rains come down
 to our Zagreb,
 Sometimes she smiles with hope
 Sometimes Zagreb has a sad face
 Loneliness while waiting for you in this city
 Sometimes hidden in its streets
 And sometimes in its tunnels
 Zagreb takes care of love
 Sometimes your screams echo
And sometimes my rebellions
 Zagreb becomes deaf can not hear any of us
 Sometimes it is remembered years later
 Sometimes you can never turn back
 But Zagreb does not get offended to those who forget
 Sometimes Zagreb happens to be me;
Serious but sincere.
 Sometimes Zagreb happens to be you;
 Crazy and lovely .
 Every time you happen to be in Zagreb
 She expects a hello from you
 Don't cry but smile
 When the memories of Zagreb visit you in your dreams.

Recep Bağcı ( aka Secret Man )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Recep for your talent and sensibility: your song says all we felt in and about Zagreb back in that joyfull week!!
