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About I.D.E.A.! Together we can! : Instituto comprensivo Giuliano Giorgi, Montorio Romano, Italy-Italian project team

About I.D.E.A.! Together we can!

There was no lack of opportunities for recreation and fun (many, in fact...) during our dinners or culinary-cultural exchanges, especially or during the bus journey between one place and another!!! Songs, games, dances... moments that will remain etched in the mind forever; visits to the most important cities in our countries: historical, archaeological and cultural sites where the vision of such beauty became a motivating force to continue the journey towards the discovery of different places and cultures, harbingers of knowledge and continuous learning.

A constant stimulus to open our local and national horizons towards the unknown world, rich in educational experiences, personal and community growth through the transmission of our own acquisitions upon return from each mobility. The exchange of good practices was an opportunity to meet new friends, to weave new and positive relationships between fellow travellers united by the desire to help those who, in their own path of growth, have greater difficulties.

The commitment of all of us has been to understand each other's needs and requirements, to embrace their difficulties (linguistic, physical, emotional, logistical, etc.) and to encourage them to continue their journey together. We have embodied our own motto: I.D.E.A.! TOGETHER WE CAN!!! This has united us and will keep us close in a bond that goes beyond the experience of a convention. The Erasmus + Project encompasses all the knowledge that passes through life experiences, which touch all the sensitive chords of the being.

Our senses allowed us to see, touch, hear, taste, smell in a deeper way, adding greater awareness to our actions, among adults and in the teacher-pupil relationship. The store of prior knowledge was greatly enriched, as were the relationships between all the members of the group. A unique experience!

Italian I.D.E.A project team


If I can prevent

a heart from breaking

I will not have lived in vain.

If I relieve the pain of a life

Or ease a pain

Or help a fallen robin

To return to its nest

I will not have lived in vain!

Today is far from childhood

But up and down the hills

I hold his hand tighter

that shortens all distances!

The feet of those who walk

towards home

go with lighter sandals!

(Emily Dickinson)


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