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Erasmus day in Aver-O-Mar Elementary School, Portugal

October 11th, 06:45 pm, auditorium of Aver-O-Mar Elementary School: meeting with the school community to share best practices developed under the Erasmus + projects taking place in the grouping, namely the IDEA-Together We Can project; SWITCH and TOGETHER – the very last one.

In the presence of local authorities and the Director of the grouping, the session began with a brief introduction by the President of the Grouping General Council, followed by a brief presentation of the objectives and guiding dynamics of the European Erasmus + program.

Thereafter, each projects’ coordinator presented their project: partners, strategic goals, activities developed and planned, sharing the good practices and experiences within Erasmus.
The presentation can be viewed in

Finally, time for dialogue: some parents asked questions regarding the participation of their children in these projects, about budget and responsibilities; curiosities and pieces of advice were shared by members of the Erasmus’ Teams.

The meeting finished with some delicacies and interesting informal conversation.

Above all, there was a need to highlight and promote European citizenship among young people, giving new opportunities for life and fostering friendships.

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