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European award for innovative teaching EITA.

 Dear partners,

 I can finally publicly announce that ERASMUS project I.D.E.A!  TOGETHER WE CAN!  received THE PRESTIGIOUS EITA European Award for Innovative Teaching.  The prize will be awarded on 25.10.  in Brussels. Proud of all of you dear partners.  

Dear coordinators and friends, without you this award would not exist, so I sincerely thank you for your work and contribution to this wonderful story. 

European award for innovative teaching EITA.

The winners of the prestigious European award for innovative teaching - EITA, awarded by the European Commission for the second time this year, are also 4 Slovenian educational institutions: one of them is our project which I coordinated from 2018 - 2021.

The purpose of the award is to celebrate the achievements of teachers and schools, to promote innovative learning and teaching practices, and to highlight the importance of the Erasmus+ program in connecting teachers from all over Europe.

All 98 winners from all over Europe were announced by the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Marija Gabriel, on September 22, 2022.

The European Commission has been awarding the European Award for Innovative Teaching since last year, namely to completed projects within the Erasmus+ program, the selection of which is made each time by national Erasmus+ agencies.  Every year, a special theme is also determined, within which the award-winning projects are selected, and for 2022 these are creativity in learning environments, sustainable development and inclusion.

Representatives of the award-winning institutions will travel to Brussels this October, where they will gather at the awards ceremony, and will also use the time to socialize and exchange excellent pedagogical practices.

The European award for innovative teaching is an important acknowledgment of all the participants in the award-winning projects, because with their work they have made an outstanding contribution to the creation of modern – creative, inclusive and sustainable – learning environments.  The award is also a recognition of excellent pedagogical practices, which are demonstrated within the framework of Erasmus+ projects and which are also reflected in regular pedagogical work at all levels of education in the Slovenian educational space.

You can watch the video presentation of the Slovenian winners here. The video is in Slovenian, from the 52nd seconds is my intervuie.  When I get  an English translation I will share it with you.

Tanja Nikolovski, main coordinator


AT THE END - Speech by the main project coordinator Tanja Nikolovski

 Dear Partners, dear Friends!        

We managed to come up with a project idea that, out of a possible 100 points, received 98. The result is enviable! In our project idea, the Slovenian National Agency recognized a challenge worthy of attention.

My dear coordinators Marta, Tilde, Enis, Agata, Zlata we have reached almost to the end. The pandemic hit us, prevented some live activities, but we still managed to carry out all the planned activities to the end. Only the final report needs to be written. 

At the end of our three-year journey, I would like to sincerely thank you for your contribution to the realization of the project idea. What findings and results we came to, it will be clear to us only when we come into the final report and analyze our work. Anyone who has never participated in a project with an international dimension cannot imagine how much time and effort has actually been put into it. I want to say to all of you a BIG THANK YOU.

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if we haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, we really haven’t learned anything.


 Tanja Nikolovski

main coordinator


Partners opinion about the project at the end


We joined this project because we believe that the education of children with special needs is a great challenge for Croatian education. In our opinion, the biggest problem of Croatian education is that the teachers who teach children with special needs in regular schools are not educated enough in this particular area, as well as the lack of material conditions that make it very difficult to implement inclusion in regular schooling. We wanted to find out how other countries of the EU have addressed the challenges in the education of SEN students and to which extent the inclusion is present in our partner schools. Three regular schools and three special schools took part in the project.

Our first visit was to Istanbul, where we visited the special school Metin Sabanci, private elementary school for children with cerebral palsy. It is mostly funded by the Metin Sabanci Foundation. The school is technologically highly equipped and fully adapted to SEN students. We had the opportunity to stay in sensory integration rooms, and afterwards we applied these experiences in our school work to some extent. We believe that the sensory room in regular primary schools would significantly contribute to the quality of education of SEN students. In Poland we visited the town of Bytom and the special school Podstawowa. All planned activities focused on how to teach students with special needs and on how to promote their developmental skills and social inclusion. Although the Polish education system supports inclusion in regular schools with individualized programs for each child, special education schools still has a significant place. Through the activities they prepared, we got acquainted with Biofeedback therapy, Art therapy and the application of technology in teaching. We believe that Biofeedback therapy is an extremely useful method that helps children to achieve learning outcomes more easily, and that in Croatia it should be applied in regular schools, and not only within healthcare institutions. In Italy, we were in Montorio Romano - in the regular elementary school Instituto comprensivo Giuliano Giorgi. Italy is one of the European countries with a long tradition of inclusion in regular education. The characteristic of their education system is that in the classrooms attended by children with special needs they have two teachers, one of whom only attends to those with special educational needs. Furthermore, in their education system, there is constant care and support for the education of children with special needs even during high school and college. This approach results in a culture of social sensitivity and acceptance of people with special needs in everyday life. Mobility in Italy was focused on the development of emotional intelligence and acceptance of diversity. After conducting the workshop on emotions, we concluded that in regular schooling too little importance is given to children's feelings and emotional states, and so we now regularly implement these workshops in our classes. Mobilities to Portugal and Slovenia were virtual due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The host partners prepared the virtual activities well and we gained a good insight into their education systems. Portugal is a country whose education system has autonomy from city or state authorities. SEN students are integrated into regular schools and each school has a Learning Support Center that provides support to teachers and children. They introduced us to a storytelling workshop - Kamishibai. We applied it in our work with 1st grade students. The children responded extremely well to this storytelling method, and we will include it more often in the teaching process. The Slovenian education system has inclusion, but also a strong system of special schools. The uniqueness of their system are mobile teams, i.e. teachers who are employees of special schools, but work in rehabilitation and provide support to SEN students in regular schools. They do not have their home school where they work every day, but are instead field teachers and are tied to specific children in different schools who need their support. This type of support for children with special needs is extremely well designed because children within their regular school and during regular school hours perform rehabilitation with professionals. This contributes significantly to the quality of their education. Experiential learning is another quality characteristic of the Slovenian education system, which is underrepresented in the Croatian education system.
Through this project we had an excellent opportunity to get to know and implement different methods of working with SEN students and thus progress in our own pedagogical work.We are extremely satisfied with the project management and cooperation with the coordinators of the partner countries.We communicated almost daily, and even in these demanding times we supported each other in performing all project and educational activities.


The IDEA project was developed, in its conception, implementation and evaluation, in an organized, well-oriented way, with fulfillment of the proposed objectives as well as all the activities outlined, either in essence or in the estimated time, as described in the general report. Thus, no irregularities are registered.

On the contrary, the good coordination of the project is highlighted, both at the level of the international and national partnership – by each country coordinator. There was a good atmosphere, both online and in person during the LTT, good work collaborative and constant articulation between the partners, which resulted in the successful completion of the project.

In financial terms, it is considered that all expenses incurred were in accordance with the forecast, with no extra expenses or deficit, as recorded in the Mobility Tool platform.

The slight changes to the initial plan were due to the pandemic situation that we are experiencing, described as follows:

- in LTT Portugal we lacked two partners, a virtual mobility was subsequently carried out to supply this situation at the request of the project coordinator - a request that we immediately attended to by preparing an e-mobility that corresponded, as far as possible, to the physical LTT;

- LTT to Slovenia was postponed for one year and finally converted to e-mobility;

- We also received two teachers from a partner country on jobshadowing regime, which was not included in the initial project but derived from the good relations and inclusion practices that we shared and fostered in our cluster/country;

- as a coordinator I also participated, outside the project but as a result, in representation of the Portuguese reality in the symposium Building Bridges for Inclusive Education Project - Special Education with All Its Aspects from Inclusion to Integration Symposium, organized by the partner school in Turkey – this sharing generated the attention of the participants and questions were asked in the final debate.

In terms of impact in our school, and given the theme of the project, it was found that the dissemination sessions post LTT, that we temporarily promoted, the activities that involved the community, the information disseminated in the dissemination channels of the cluster and local newspapers, captivated the attention of the community, raising awareness to different European realities and yet to common problems. The different responses of each school/partner reflect the educational policies of their countries, with inclusion being desired and recognized by all but treated distinctly. Three partners effectively practice inclusion in the "normal" school, with slight specificities between themselves, while the other three partners work in special schools for students with difficulties/disabilities. Practices with students turn out to be similar, even though they depend on public investment by each government and on the skills, competence and creativity of the professionals involved, which fostered sharing and joint discussion on the topic. Throughout the project's implementation, the team was always supported by the school direction board, by the collaboration of other professionals, internal and external to the institution, but responsible for social inclusion and local institutions, as well as other from national institutions.

Finally, the replication by each partner of some activities observed in the different LTT allowed greaterinvolvement and attention, making us more reflective and critical towards other practices, experiences, resources and strategies. The realization, at a distance, but simultaneously, of celebrations of ephemeris alluding to the theme, by example, allowed us to “feel” that we were promoting a single cause for equality and equity in our local communities but, on a large scale, contributing to the development of European citizenship and Sustainable Development Goals, in our school and its professionals, aware that the whole is made by the parts.

This project fulfilled, disseminated and promoted good practices, multiculturalism, affection, communication, digital literacy, respect, equity, among others, fostering bonds of friendship and collaborative work towards an education not only inclusive but also European, with future effects and partnerships for sure!


 There was no lack of opportunities for recreation and fun (many, in fact...) during our dinners or culinary-cultural exchanges, especially or during the bus journey between one place and another!!! Songs, games, dances... moments that will remain etched in the mind forever; visits to the most important cities in our countries: historical, archaeological and cultural sites where the vision of such beauty became a motivating force to continue the journey towards the discovery of different places and cultures, harbingers of knowledge and continuous learning.

A constant stimulus to open our local and national horizons towards the unknown world, rich in educational experiences, personal and community growth through the transmission of our own acquisitions upon return from each mobility. The exchange of good practices was an opportunity to meet new friends, to weave new and positive relationships between fellow travellers united by the desire to help those who, in their own path of growth, have greater difficulties.
The commitment of all of us has been to understand each other's needs and requirements, to embrace their difficulties (linguistic, physical, emotional, logistical, etc.) and to encourage them to continue their journey together. We have embodied our own motto: I.D.E.A.! TOGETHER WE CAN!!! This has united us and will keep us close in a bond that goes beyond the experience of a convention. The Erasmus + Project encompasses all the knowledge that passes through life experiences, which touch all the sensitive chords of the being.
Our senses allowed us to see, touch, hear, taste, smell in a deeper way, adding greater awareness to our actions, among adults and in the teacher-pupil relationship. The store of prior knowledge was greatly enriched, as were the relationships between all the members of the group. A unique experience!

A special dedication for Tanja, our main coordinator

Dear Tanja

It has been an honour to be guided in our project by a woman who is so determined to make us feel like a team. You have given us the motivation, the right stimuli to work in our classes and to achieve better results thanks to the methodologies learned in the various mobilities. Our exchanges have encouraged an enrichment of good practices in school but also in daily life. We feel part of a whole that has grown together under your direction. You have been our compass, you have shown us the way and guided us with patience and great organisational skills. Thank you thank you thank you.


The whole project process was very instructive for our organization. We have used different funds from different mechanisms before. For the first time, we had the chance to implement an Erasmus+ Project as a School with this project. Since we had our first school project experience, there were some areas where we had some difficulties.

As an organization, we hosted the first mobility of the project. We tried to prepare a full program as much as we could. What we observed in other mobilities opened our horizons a lot. The next time we host a project meeting, we have much more creative ideas in mind. This actually shows how strong the educational side of the project is.

We have established a very good communication with all project partners. As an organization, we got to know other partners in this project apart from the coordinator. It's good that we met. We can establish different collaborations between us in the future. We have already started to create different collaborations apart from this project.


Mobility in Slovenia, August 2021 -C13 »Insight into examples of good practice of Slovenian institutions for education for people with special needs - Change is the end result of all true learning«.


Report on the mobility to Slovenia

As part of the Erasmus+ Project I.D.E.A. Together we can, we attended the final mobility to Slovenia, the main coordinator country. Activities in Slovenia took place from the 23rd to the 27th August, 2021, with participants from Turkey, Croatia and Slovenia. The locations of the mobility were Ptuj, Kamnik, Ljubljana and Portorož.

After the welcome event at the School Dr. Ljudevita Pivka in Ptuj, the school Headmistress gave us a detailed presentation of the work of her institution and the special needs students’ education system in Slovenia. We were given a tour of the school and saw the spaces furnished for the needs of children with developmental difficulties. We were impressed by the excellent furnishing equipment in the classrooms, as well as by the creativity of teachers evident in the decorations of the classrooms and the hallways. Following the tour of the school, we were met by the Town Mayor, Mrs Nuška Gajšek, at the Town Hall, and would like to express our special appreciation for her cordiality.

In the course of the mobility we visited the Centre for Education and Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped Children and Adolescents in Kamnik, near Ljubljana. Some of the children who are being educated there are placed in dorms, and some come to attend classes by organised transportation. One of the main goals of the work of the Centre is to enable their students with physical handicaps to achieve maximum autonomy in their lives. The dorm includes specially furnished suites that enable their occupants to function independently.

In Ljubljana we visited the IRIS Centre for blind and visually impaired persons. We had a very special experience of “Lunch in the Dark” and had the opportunity to learn more about communication with and assisting the blind in the outdoor facilities of the Centre.

The final part of the mobility was dedicated to outdoor learning. We visited the Burja Centre in Portorož. The Slovenian Ministry of Education gives special attention and financial support to the outdoor learning programmes for all students, and the space is adapted for children with developmental difficulties.

In addition to all of the professional and educational content of the mobility, we also had the opportunity to see some of the outstanding natural landmarks of Slovenia, and would like to mention the exceptional, incomparable experience of the Bled Lake and the Postojna Cave.

We would like to state our sadness that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, not all of the project partners could attend the mobility to Slovenia. It has given us a very valuable insight into the practices of working with children with developmental difficulties. We are particularly grateful to the staff of the School Dr. Ljudevita Pivka and the main coordinator Mrs Tanja Nikolovski for the well-chosen activities.

Once again, thank you for all your hard work and the effort you put into making the final event of the Project a valuable and memorable one.

Team from Primary school Oton Iveković, Zagreb, Croatia

Mrs. Biserka Ščurić

Mrs. Lana Trojnar

Mrs. Zlata Katavić

Impressions of Turkish Team - C13 LTTA event Impressions from Ptuj, Slovenia


The very last mobility of our Project was held in Slovenia thanks to the great efforts of the Slovenian team and the endeavors of participating teams. Due to the remaining effects of the Covid-19, it was difficult for everyone to arrange the preparations and be present for the mobility. And for us, it was one last chance to get together and learn a great deal from each other once again.

Between the dates of 23rd to the 27th August 2021 we have visited several institutions with unique expertise which was located in Ptuj, Ljubljana, and Portorož. Slovenia and its people were generous to us as expected. During the time that we have been on the road visiting every institution in another city, we have seen the great nature of Slovenia, had the chance to get to know its traditional cuisine, learn about its history and meet with its people.

On the first day of the mobility, we were hosted by our friends coordinating the I.D.E.A Project. The teacher of the School Dr. Ljudevita Pivka in Ptuj welcomed us warmly. In the school, we had an introduction to the Slovenian School System and had the chance to see their approach towards students and to Special Education. Later on the Mayor of Ptuj, Ms. Nuška Gajšek was more than kind enough to host us in the Town Hall and give us unique souvenirs to always remember this town.

On the road to the South of the country, we have visited the Centre for Education and Rehabilitation of Physically Handicapped Children and Adolescents in Kamnik, IRIS Centre, and Burja Centre in Portorož. All the institutions welcomed us with great enthusiasm and motivation. Seeing their approaches, ideas, improvements in the field, and eagerness to learn with us was so valuable for us. These very special institutions were functioning as an important actor in the field of Special Education in Slovenia. And we are glad to know that we have witnessed what and how they do.

We would like to thank once again to everyone who made it possible to gather one last time. Thank you, dear Tanja, thank you dear friends hope to see you soon!

About I.D.E.A.! Together we can! : Instituto comprensivo Giuliano Giorgi, Montorio Romano, Italy-Italian project team

About I.D.E.A.! Together we can!

There was no lack of opportunities for recreation and fun (many, in fact...) during our dinners or culinary-cultural exchanges, especially or during the bus journey between one place and another!!! Songs, games, dances... moments that will remain etched in the mind forever; visits to the most important cities in our countries: historical, archaeological and cultural sites where the vision of such beauty became a motivating force to continue the journey towards the discovery of different places and cultures, harbingers of knowledge and continuous learning.

A constant stimulus to open our local and national horizons towards the unknown world, rich in educational experiences, personal and community growth through the transmission of our own acquisitions upon return from each mobility. The exchange of good practices was an opportunity to meet new friends, to weave new and positive relationships between fellow travellers united by the desire to help those who, in their own path of growth, have greater difficulties.

The commitment of all of us has been to understand each other's needs and requirements, to embrace their difficulties (linguistic, physical, emotional, logistical, etc.) and to encourage them to continue their journey together. We have embodied our own motto: I.D.E.A.! TOGETHER WE CAN!!! This has united us and will keep us close in a bond that goes beyond the experience of a convention. The Erasmus + Project encompasses all the knowledge that passes through life experiences, which touch all the sensitive chords of the being.

Our senses allowed us to see, touch, hear, taste, smell in a deeper way, adding greater awareness to our actions, among adults and in the teacher-pupil relationship. The store of prior knowledge was greatly enriched, as were the relationships between all the members of the group. A unique experience!

Italian I.D.E.A project team


If I can prevent

a heart from breaking

I will not have lived in vain.

If I relieve the pain of a life

Or ease a pain

Or help a fallen robin

To return to its nest

I will not have lived in vain!

Today is far from childhood

But up and down the hills

I hold his hand tighter

that shortens all distances!

The feet of those who walk

towards home

go with lighter sandals!

(Emily Dickinson)



Instituto comprensivo Giuliano Giorgi, Montorio Romano, Italy- Italian project team opinion at the end of project

European dimension of education



OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS (Brussels, 14 February 2001):

1.3 Equal opportunities and social exclusion

Education and training are the structural means by which society can help its citizens to have equal access to prosperity, democratic decision-making and personal socio-cultural development. Access to lifelong updating of skills is therefore a key element in the fight against social exclusion and the promotion of equal opportunities in the broadest sense.

promoting equal opportunities in the broadest sense of the term. In this context, particular attention should be paid to vulnerable groups such as people with specific learning problems.

Education and training systems should aim to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society by ensuring that structures and mechanisms are in place to

eliminate discrimination at all levels.

To achieve this, a chain of improvements and implementation of resources, knowledge and techniques is needed:

Improving education and training of teachers and trainers

·      Ensuring access to ICTs for all

·      Facilitating access to all education and training systems

·      Opening up education and training systems to the outside world

·      Improving foreign language learning

·      Increasing mobility and exchanges

·      Strengthening cooperation at European level


European education systems in partners countries - our view

 Croatia: Croatia has inclusion, but there are also schools for children with special needs called Education Centers, and are specialized in specific types of needs such as the Center for Autism, the Center for Children with Disabilities, blind and visually impaired. Early Childhood Education and Care in Croatia is funded and managed by local authorities. Central educational authorities provide legislative guidance, accreditation and monitoring of the educational programs.

Primary education starts at the age of 6 or 7 and consists of eight years of compulsory schooling. Secondary education is not compulsory, but almost all students do enroll into secondary courses upon completing primary level. Depending on the curriculum, secondary schools are divided into:

 Gymnasiums (cover a general education and are mostly a transition to the professional training in colleges, universities and faculties) – 4 year programs,

 Vocational - 3 - 5 year programs

 Art schools (music, dance, art) - 4 year programs

Children with special needs in Croatia are educated in regular schools or in the centers for children with special needs. In regular schools they are included in general curriculum, with adjustments made to the subjects' contents and working methods in regard to the type and degree of disability. They can also follow general education curriculum in the centers but under special conditions or according to a special program. The decision about the type of the education system is made by a commission for determination of psychophysical condition of a child, with parents' consent. Exceptionally, in some regular schools there are special classes for children with developmental difficulties, in which children are taught by defectologists (special needs teachers).

In the Croatian mobility, we learned a new way of inducing concentration and implementing the attention span of pupils through brain gym. We were impressed by the effectiveness of this methodology. In the dissemination phase in our school, we were able to directly observe the benefits for individual pupils and for the whole class. The children are happy to experiment with new forms of "play" and let themselves be guided, with the end result being benefit and enjoyment. In the period following the brain gym, the children are better prepared for the activities presented and the activities are carried out with commitment, concentration, less wasted energy and better learning results.


Slovenia: Slovenia has special education and mainstream schools. However, they also have integrated students with special need. Besides, Slovenia have education centers who are specialized in specific types of needs such as the Center for Cerebral Palsy, the Center for Children with Disabilities, Blind and Visually Impaired.

Slovenian mobility has been food for thought on several fronts. First of all, we have had confirmation that contact with nature and with domestic animals brings us all back to a state of calm, of peace; it brings us into harmony with ourselves and with the world. This contact favours listening to our deepest emotions and feelings, a contact with ourselves and consequently favours the establishment of positive relationships with others, animals or people. The docility of animals allows the sweetness, calm and serenity of those who have made contact with them to emerge.

In Italy, many legal provisions relating to allergies, hygiene and therefore the health and safety of people prevent the practice of hippotherapy at school, leaving it up to personal initiative. Hippotherapy is widespread, as a practice through which the child's balance, muscle tone, coordination and motor awareness are worked on. It brings psychological-behavioural benefits: the main psychological benefit is the increase in self-esteem generated by the small responsibilities assigned to the child.

There is a strong impact on the philosophy that guides Halliwick's practice. The concept combines the area of mental and physical adaptation to water, relaxation, breathing control, balance and the acquisition of basic motor skills in the water. The Halliwick concept is based on the following: introduction to water, motor learning, holistic learning, awareness of abilities and achievements in the water instead of disabilities on land, improvement of the quality of life, integration of children and people with and without disabilities. Not just a simple and fun bath in water, but a process that leads the child to believe more in himself, forgetting the conditioning of a life based on contact with the earth. Water makes possible what the earth can make difficult if not impossible. Wow! A new way of interpreting reality and experience.


Poland: Education of pupils with special educational needs is an integral part of the Polish Education System. The Polish education system allows the choice between three options: mainstream schools, integrated schools and special schools. A need of special education is ascertained in a decision issued after a psychological and pedagogical examination is carried out by specialists from guidance and counselling center for youth and children. Special education is intended for children and young people with disabilities (physically disabled, incl. aphasia, intellectually disabled, blind, visually impaired, deaf, hearing impaired, autistic, incl. Asperger syndrome, with multiple impairments, with social maladjustment or at risk of social maladjustment who require special organization of teaching and learning processes and working methods). Every pupil with a statement of need for special education has his/her individually formulated educational and therapeutic program which is adjusted to his/her needs and psychological and physical abilities. Depending on the special educational needs and type of disability, pupils with disabilities attend special nursery schools, special primary schools, basic vocational schools and schools preparing for employment.

 During the Polish mobility, we had the opportunity to observe the use of BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY. We were struck by the effectiveness of the technology, which allows the students' emotions to be conditioned favourably so that they can understand, through images and colours, their emotional state and, if altered, bring it back into a positive, calm emotional phase. This methodology, if used extensively in all schools, could positively change the learning outcomes of many children with special needs, especially those with altered emotional states.


Turkey: The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) conducts educational activities on a central level in the Republic of Turkey. Each level of education is made up of Pre-School, Primary and Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary and Higher Education. Education level in Turkey consists of preschool, primary, middle, secondary and higher education. 12 years education is mandatory for all students, every each level (primary, middle, secondary) takes 4 years to finish. There are programs for preschool, primary, middle, vocational and technic higher levels which based on education of person with special needs. Besides, there are special education institutions which implement special education programs for primary, middle and higher education levels.

What struck us about the Turkish Mobility was the paintings made by disabled children from one of the schools visited in Istanbul, all the manual-artistic works, made using different techniques, by children who are so fragile, but who convey such serenity. Some of the works in particular impressed us with their beauty and the serenity they conveyed. Considering that they were made by children with serious problems, they proudly showed us their hard work.


Portugal: In Portugal the Public Education System is the most widely used and best implemented, although there are Private Schools at all levels of education. The school network is organized mainly in “Agrupamentos” (School Groups) that integrate educational establishments that provide all levels of education from preschool to secondary education. Education levels consist of preschool, elementary, intermediate and secondary - 12 years of mandatory education for all students - and higher education.

The Portuguese education system is very centralized, both in terms of organization and funding. However, preschool, elementary, intermediate and secondary public education establishments enjoy some autonomy, particularly at the pedagogical level, in the management of school hours and non-teaching staff.

However, new guidelines for curricular flexibility and greater autonomy have recently been published, and schools are implementing and developing new paths.

Public schools offer conditions for greater and higher equality of opportunities to all students. The City Council is also involved, as are other strategic actors such as Parents' Associations and Social and Local Institutions.

Since the Salamanca Declaration (UNESCO, 1994), Portugal is committed to develop an inclusive education. Therefore, all mainstream schools, at all levels of education, have integrated students with special needs that benefit from special programs according to their level of disability.

Currently, there is a Learning Support Center in every school that accompanies students who need help in their teaching-learning process. Furthermore, the Portuguese System includes Vision, Bilingual Education, and Early Childhood Intervention Reference Schools.

There are also Information and Communication Resource Centers and Resource Centers for Inclusion that provide supports in the selection of technological products, Speech and Occupational therapies, Psychology and in the development of Individual Transition Plans when students move forward to active life.

In the Portuguese mobility we were able to observe how the image can convey important messages through the use of a particular methodology of storytelling called KAMISHIBAI. Through the use of a simple tool, the botai, or the use of technology (video, ppt, ebook) to support children who have motor or language difficulties, we can work towards the goal of understanding a story by reading images.

We experienced the use of mandalas to unleash the children's creative powers: colours, materials and techniques for making them can be customised.

The children greatly appreciated the techniques learned, showing greater joy and involvement during the creation of the products.


Tilde Giacomelli

school coordinator

with school project team