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Rare Disease Day, Szkoła Podstawowa Specjalna nr 40 in Bytom, Poland

    Rare diseases affect a small number of people compared to the entire population and meet certain criteria for their rarity. In Europe, the disease is considered rare if it affects 1 person in 2000. The disease may be rare in one region and occur widely in another. Due to the rarity of occurrence, difficulties in recognition and lack of social awareness, the knowledge of these diseases has so far been small. Rare diseases are serious, often chronic and progressive diseases.

          Many rare diseases are revealed at birth or in childhood, such as spinal muscular atrophy - which our schoolmate - Kuba, suffers from. Kuba and his mother told us about his disease, why Kuba must use a wheelchair, what his day looks like.

We also talked about other rare diseases. we talked about the life of a sick person and we tried to compare it to ours. We marched with red balloons along the streets around our school to gave our support to this important case.

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